HSL-CD4 User's manuals:

The following are links to the available manuals for the HSL-CD4 package. These are all Acrobat 5.0 or higher PDF files. If you do not have a copy of the Acrobat Reader, you can download it from this link: www.acrobat.com

You can download just the section of the manual you need by clicking on the desired section from those listed below or you can download the complete User's manual (which contains all the individual sections listed plus more). If you left click the respective link, the section or manual will open in the Acrobat Reader for viewing. If, instead, you want to download and save the section or manual on your computer then right click the link and select "Save Target As". Select the folder you want to save it in and click "Save".

The User's manual and it's sections are the primary manual for the package and contain all the installation, set-up, trouble-shooting, and recommended spare parts information. The Keypad Quick Reference provides, as it is named, a quick reference for the operation of the built-in keypad and display of the HSL-CD4.


download User's manual Set-up, Tuning, and Trouble-shooting (section 2)
download User's manual Windows Set-up Program reference (section 4)
download User's manual Recommended Spares (section 7)
download User's manual complete (sections 1 thru 7)
download Keypad Quick Reference

HSL-CD4 Set-up Program:

The following is a link to the Windows based set-up program for the HSL-CD4. This program is used to interface with the M4500 of the HSL-CD4, allowing the user to view and modify set-up data, view production data, download the application program to the package, as well as download and upload set-up data to the package. The program contains extensive help menus that explain the use of the set-up program as well as the actual set-up procedure of the HSL-CD4 when installed on the machine. The set-program is compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, and XP.

The set-up program is compressed as a self-extracting zip file. To install the set-up program on your PC, perform the following:

Click on the download link and select "Save this program to disk" then select "OK". Select the folder on your computer you want to save the set-up program to and click "Save". Once the program has downloaded, double-click on the downloaded RTFCD7.EXE program to unzip it. Once it is unzipped, double-click on the "setup.exe" file in the folder you downloaded the RTFCD7.EXE file to. The set-up program will then be installed on computer. Follow the prompts as directed to complete the installation.

  download HSL-CD4 Windows Set-up Program (RTFCD7.EXE)
The above set-up program uses the RS-232 COM port of your PC to communicate with the PROG port of the M4500. For a pin-out of the cable and the M4500 PROG port, click here.

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